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Ulun is the world setting of the Darkstorm chronicle.

Civilised versus Wild[edit | edit source]

The lands of Ulun are divided between the Civilised World and the Wild Lands. The former are identified as those lands once influenced by the Precursors and with long established cultural, social, and religious structures.

The latter are defined as lands either as of yet untamed by civilisation, or abandoned by their previous occupants for one reason or another and largely left to chaos. Anarchy is the closest thing to government these lands possess, and the people who call them home tend to be wild and primitive, worshipping idol cults or a variety of natural or mystical phenomena.

Oceans and seas[edit | edit source]

The oceans of Ulun are vast. Roughly, they can be divided into four distinct oceans - the Patronic, the Ventara, the Leilis, and the Allernan. The Patronic and Allernan Oceans are the colder northern and southern seas, respectively, while the Ventara and Leilis Oceans are the warmer western and eastern seas.

Civilised World[edit | edit source]

Although the values and philosophies are varied and different, the lands of the Civilised World share a common history in the influence of the Precursors. All citizens of these continents speak a variation of Alesh, a common language that is an offshoot of the ancient Precursor language. While the dialects and idioms differ from one continent to another, the peoples of these lands are still able to communicate, and this has enabled a loose unity, safeguarded by ancient laws of peace.

Yileon[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

The third largest landmass of the Civilised World, Yileon is divided into three rough geographical regions, which also reflect its varied climate. The northlands are a combination of the soaring mountains Thesnet Mountains, the ice plains of the Indigo Wastes, the scrubby tundra of the Kirdiac Reach, the cold weather steppe and boggy peatland of the Suttane and the frigid Orobo Wetlands, all of which experience year-round frigid weather, regular snowfall and constant ice coverage in several areas. The midlands, separated from the northlands by the Paravon Mountains, are more varied, with the rolling Emsgan Plains and dense evergreen Delneau Forest that see cooler weather in spring and summer and cold weather in fall and winter. The southlands are the breadbasket of the country, with the verdant plains of the Plymway, the deciduous Leinia Forest and Callem Wood, the low Belda Mountains and the damp Forest of Lakes, where over 200 lakes of varying size support extensive aquaculture, that enjoy warmer weather.

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Rich in natural resources, the flora and fauna of the continent are likewise extensive and varied. In the colder north and cooler midlands, expansive evergreen forests are common with deciduous forests in the south. The northlands are home to bears, elk, and deer, with the latter also being common in the midlands. Foxes and other small animals are likewise common throughout the land.

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

The continent has been united under the banner of the Yilean Empire, which is ruled by the enlightened monarchs of the Imperial House, for over eight centuries. Their seat of power - the Opal Throne - is located in the White Palace in the capital city of Grandspire. The present monarch is the Empress Welra, who has reigned for 41 years as of present date. Her heir apparent is her eldest grandson, Hillan, the Prince Imperial.

The monarch is assisted in their rule by a circle of ministers who each oversee specific branches of the government. Known as the Central Secretariat, its membership consists of the ministers of state, war, finance, agriculture, the seas, and works and is chaired by the high minister, who serves as head of the government and the monarch's chief adviser. As need dictates, the captain general of the army and the first admiral of the navy will join the council in its meetings. The empire is divided into 61 provinces, each administered by a governor appointed by the monarch.

Every municipality - cities, towns, and villages - is led by a popularly elected mayor and council of burgesses. The Imperial Council consists of delegates for every district of each province and discusses and debates law and works in concert with the monarch to craft and enact governance of the nation.

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

The economy of Yileon is varied and extensive. Its activities are divided between numerous industries - manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and more. The realm is well-known for a variety of goods which it exports to Auyera, Eilihane, Isloria, and Bekran. These include dyes, cheese, linen, fish, fruit, pipeweed, rugs, vegetables, wine, and whale oil. Commerce between the Empire and the other realms is coordinated by a network of licensed trade corporations which work with merchants and manufacturers to buy, sell, and shift goods and commodities.

The currency of Yileon is the copper astral, so named for its coppery colour and the pattern of stars on its reverse which depict the constellation known as the Guardian. Despite its name, the coin is not actually made out of copper, but an unknown metal whose identity and composition are a closely guarded secret known only to the Treasury. To this day, no one has succeeded in counterfeiting the currency and it remains one of the most stable in the world.

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

The Yileans are known for being a deeply spiritual people, whose beliefs have fostered a strong commitment to the common good. While the welfare of each individual citizen is highly important, the needs of the many are believed to be of greater importance. This belief becomes especially distinct in times of great need. Family is vital to Yilean society, with one house being the home of multiple generations of the same bloodline. Several of the most important holidays celebrated in Yileon are centred on the family. Respecting law and authority are also important to Yileans, and the monarch commands great loyalty among their people, who have a common oath: "For our Empress, for our people, for our country."

Societally, Yileon is divided between the communities within each city, town, and village. Many families live within these communities, and they work together both for their own goals and needs and for those of the community as a whole. It is not uncommon for a sick person's neighbours to bring food or offer to help them during their difficulties, and this support is remembered and repaid when those who lent them a hand has their own troubles.

The importance of family is a prevalent theme in Yilean culture and society. Couples are joined together in a solemn ceremony conducted by their local prelate, which will be followed by a community meal and celebration. While most couples consist of a man and woman, same sex couples are not uncommon. A typical couple will have between two and five children, who they raise and teach many lessons and skills in their youth. While children are not limited by the same professional path as their parents, it is not uncommon for families to spend many generations in a particular field of work, such as agriculture or metalworking. Marriage is for life, and each couple works together and supports one another.

All children in the Empire are taught how to read, write, and do basic mathematics. They also learn history of both Yileon and the world beyond. This education is handled by the local prelates, who hold classes three days a week. Children from gentlefolk or yeoman families will also learn art and music. Later on, citizens can also attend university, where they pursue courses of study in one of three areas - the arts, law, or medicine.

Religion[edit | edit source]

The vast majority of Yileans follow a monotheistic faith known simply as "the Way". It worships a goddess named Ymera, known also as the Mother of Light or the Veiled Lady, and also venerates a group of exalted prophets known as the Intercessors. Its practices centre around daily prayers and weekly worship gatherings. Adherents are taught to live upright lives in honest pursuits, and encouraged to embrace a life of morality, living in peace and showing compassion to the less fortunate. The holy text of the faith is known as the Codex of Observance, which has been in its current form for nearly 3,000 years. The clergy of the Way, known collectively as the Clerus, are known worldwide for their simplicity, eschewing lavish decor and ostentation. Members of the Clerus, known as prelates, are recognisable by their caramel brown robes. The dye for these robes is made with the bark of a particular species of tree native to the land that is considered sacred.

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

The TBD ruin known as Ioturona is the largest of its kind in all of Ulun, and is believed to have been the capital of their worldwide empire. While several of its outer precincts have been explored, the deep interior areas have not been penetrated in centuries. A variety of collapsed areas, unusual arcane constructs, and a network of dangerous traps continue to confound adventurers and treasure hunters who try their luck in the ruins.

Naming[edit | edit source]

The Yileans are ENGLISH. Given names are seldom lengthy, and neither are family names. Male given names typically end with H, L, N, or R. Female given names tend to end with A, E, or S. Many given names begin with E, H, O, W, or Y.

  • Male given names - Jalar, Orten, Arth, Yulan, Gedral, Hihmar, Leoric, Lenseph, Evor, Avar, Eirdon, Yanul, Hilarn, Olli
  • Female given names - Wilra, Yela, Yeli, Owen
  • Family names - Demose, Neador, Owen

Isloria[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

The fifth largest, and therefore smallest, land of the Civilised World.

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Naming[edit | edit source]

The Islorians are INDIANS (ASIAN). They commonly have two-part, hyphenated given names. The prefix "Thi-" before the family name denotes an Islorian's status as a member of one of the lordly families.

Eilihane[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

The largest land of the Civilised World.

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Naming[edit | edit source]

The Eilihari are NIGERIANS. Their given names tend to be lengthy in comparison to other cultures, having between three and five syllables. Close friends and family will often know and refer to one another by their shortened, familiar names.

Auyera[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

The second largest land of the Civilised World.

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Naming[edit | edit source]

Bekran[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

The fourth largest land of the Civilised World.

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Naming[edit | edit source]

Wild Lands[edit | edit source]

Trelen Islands[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Prei-Ston[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Neahas[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Geography and climate[edit | edit source]

Flora and fauna[edit | edit source]

Government and politics[edit | edit source]

Known tribes include the Qethwani, the Pharini, and the Aqeunin.

Commerce and economics[edit | edit source]

Culture and society[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Myths, legends, and folklore[edit | edit source]

Magic[edit | edit source]

Practitioners[edit | edit source]

Those capable of wielding magic are known universally as "arcanists".

Disciplines[edit | edit source]

The magical powers of arcanists are divided between what are known as the Five Disciplines. Each is a loose grouping of abilities centred around a common theme or purpose. First and best-known of these disciplines is Elementalism, which enables arcanists to manipulate the elements of the natural world (earth, wind, fire, and water). The most renowned and respected discipline is Vivification, which allows arcanists to cure diseases and heal wounds, enhance one's senses and abilities, and fortify them against injury or imparement. Clairvoyance gives an arcanist the capability to create physical barriers from magical energy, emit telekinetic shockwaves, conduct limited divinations, and manipulate objects with the power of their minds. Summoning grants abilities which allow an arcanist to call supernatural creatures temporarily to their service. Last of the disciplines, and the one considered the most infamous, is Thaumaturgy, whose powers revolve around the manipulation of the powers of life and death. Of the Five Disciplines, it is the only one that arcanists receive only a rudimentary understanding of in their training, and in most lands of the Civilised World the majority of spells within it are outlawed.

Training[edit | edit source]

Ranks[edit | edit source]

Master Adept, Adept, Journeyman, Apprentice.

Precursors[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

Fate[edit | edit source]

Remnants[edit | edit source]