Order of Pracado

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The Order of Pracado is an hidden organization of preternaturally-gifted warriors. They are an ancient interstellar quasi-religious institution with benevolent agenda focused on the teaching, healing, protection and support of those in need.

The membership of the Order consists of those who pursue and wield the powers known as the Golden Link, which centers around compassionate and practical use of the Ambience - a reservoir of vitalistic power that permeates the entire galaxy - to provide aid and defence to those around them. The Pracado philosophy focuses on compassion and the aid of society in the education and support of those who cannot provide for or defend themselves.

Individual Pracado are characterized by their simple means and compassionate outlook on society. They likewise are driven by a desire to oppose and destroy the Order of Varani – a organization that is philosophically opposed to the Pracado. They are commonly described as gentle, patient, deeply compassionate and benevolent.

Throughout galactic history, the struggle between the Pracado and Varani has gone on behind the scenes, obscured from the awareness of "the mundanes", the term by which sentient beings who are incapable of sensing or using the Ambience (which is the majority) are known. The existence of both orders is largely beyond common knowledge, and most consider them mere myth. This ongoing conflict is known as the Hidden War.