Hanseph Tavari

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Lord Tavari.

Hanseph Lord Tavari is a Human who serves as the Lord Privy Seal within the Galactic Empire. In this capacity, he functions as the strong right hand and enforcer of his master, Emperor Tuscano.

Secretly, he is a Shadow Lord known as Set Oran, and is one of the Emperor's four apprentice lords, forming part of the Ruling Council.

At 2.03 meters (6 feet, 8 inches) tall, Lord Tavari is a towering, hulking slab of a man, powerfully muscular and imposing. He is known as much for his somber demeanor as he is for his size, and is a fiercely loyal supporter of Tuscano and his agenda. His talents as a fixer are used to good effect by the Emperor, who employs the massive man when something specific needs to be destroyed or someone needs to be eliminated or sufficiently intimidated to be brought in line with the Emperor's wishes. It is widely known that if Lord Tavari shows up, the Emperor is done with words and now will rely on action to deal with problems.

Basic[edit | edit source]

  • homeworld - Corel
  • height - 2.03 m (6 ft, 8 in)
  • weight - 138.3 kg (305 lb)
  • hair color - blonde
  • eye color - blue
  • weapon of choice - Beamsword (single-bladed, red blade)

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Tavari was born on Corel on 3.22.10843. Nothing of his birth family is known, as he was taken by a Shadow Lord by the name of Set Tyrell when he was only three years old, and began training in the Varani disciplines at age five. He was not alone as a student of Tyrell - future lords Eccari and Virini were also acolytes of Tyrell's teachings. The three would be his students for nearly a decade. From their first day as students, the trio was taught the One Realm prophecy - "One day from the Shadow will come one who will unite all Humankind in steel and strength...".

Military Service[edit | edit source]

Tyrell died in 10859, bested in combat by Set Dorva on Hileen while tracking a cache of Varani artifacts long-thought lost. Still aboard their master's ship, they were missed by Dorva thanks to the planet being between them and the other Shadow Lord. They didn't wait long before abandoning their master and leaving Hileen entirely. Lacking the guidance of their master, the three opted to seek service to focus their energies until they received some sign of the coming of a new superior to guide their work. Tavari joined the Dominion Army, and quickly was accepted into the special operations branch, where he excelled in advanced tactics, infiltration and forward assault. By the time he had made commander, he and then-brigadier Tuscano had become close colleagues and friends, and became a part of the future emperor's plans.

Imperial Service[edit | edit source]

Shortly before Tuscano proclaimed himself Emperor, Tavari was responsible for eliminating key senior military officers who had been recalcitrant to the general's overtures. Rather than allow loose ends within his new empire, Tuscano had Tavari remove each of them in the most indirect method possible. One died in a catastrophic shuttle crash, one was in a turbolift accident on New Geneva, one disappeared while inspecting troops in the Samovar system, and yet another was found murdered in his apartment the day of the Imperial proclamation. No witnesses to any of these incidents were ever identified, and no clues were ever uncovered. Ultimately, all four cases went cold.

To the majority of the Imperial Court, Lord Tavari is an intimidating and frightening man, cold and distant to all but those few he considers a peer. He obeys no command but that given by his master, and demonstrates little tolerance for mundanes who test his patience. He is an ever-present threat towards those who draw his master's ire, and when he is loosed from his restraint in pursuit of someone who has displeased His Majesty, his enjoyment at inflicting the damage he does is part of what he enjoys about his work. He is not nihilistic, however, as he demonstrates considerable measure in his actions, only targeting those things and people his master wishes targeted.

Lord Tavari is not married, has no significant others, and is not engaged in any intimate capacity with anyone. He remains distant from all but his closest associates and the Emperor, preferring to keep busy than become entangled in private issues.