Galactic Empire

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Symbol of the Empire.

The Galactic Empire - commonly referred to as the Empire - is the single largest and most powerful star nation in the galaxy. It is considered the star nation of the Human people. The Empire is an interstellar meritocratic autocracy, composed of many system governments unified under a strong central government. Its capital is the planet Imperia, located in the Outer Core.

The Empire was founded formally on 3.8.10879.

History[edit | edit source]

Early Explorations[edit | edit source]

Following the First Exodus from Earth in 2253, Humanity began gradually moving to its several colonies, while simultaneously settling new worlds and gradually expanding its territory. By the turn of the twenty-fourth century in 2300, the human civilization encompassed over 100 star systems. As time went on, exploration and colonization increased with each year, and as Man studied his galaxy, he grew ever more fascinated by it. Technology and science grew in leaps and bounds, and faster and more capable ships were built which pushed the envelope even further. Each year, Humans met new races and cultures, and its awareness of the galactic community increased apace.

Numerous States[edit | edit source]

It would be in 2367, at the advent of the settling of the two hundredth star system by Humanity, that the proposition for a united political, military, and economic entity to promote and sustain Human interests began to be floated. A single united political and military entity to govern all of Humanity, however, was dashed by a tumultuous Human Civil War that lasted from mid-2368 to early-2374. Three different factions within the colonial provisional administration - the Centrists, Populists, and Libertarians - each had a different philosophy for how a star nation should be governed.

The Centrists advocated a strong government and military, with authority vested in a collective leadership of accomplished and exhaustively vetted veteran military officers and civil servants. The Populists believed a democratic society, where all key officials were appointed by popularly elected leaders and approved by a legislature also popularly elected. The Libertarians wanted a loose union that allowed individual polities and systems their own governance, but banding together for common defence and trade interests.

Ultimately, the civil war ended in a general stalemate, though the majority of the militias sided with the Centrists and forced the Populists and Libertarians to seek new defensive means. With the signing in mid-2374 of the instrument that formally ended hostilities, the three disparate factions settled into their own territories and began building their own star nations. The Centrists became the United Dominion, the Populists the Commonwealth, and the Libertarians the Free Federation.

This political system would endure, with each group vying for territory and resources throughout the region, for roughly seven thousand years.

Great War[edit | edit source]

Government[edit | edit source]

Executive[edit | edit source]

Main article: Galactic Emperor
Main article: Imperial Ruling Council

At the pinnacle of the Empire stands the Emperor himself, who is the source of all political and military authority. No high bureaucrat, governor, or military officer serves without his direct and personal blessing.

Among high-ranking political and military personnel, the Emperor's name is spoken with fear. He is distant and mysterious to all but his closest associates, who are few. His eyes and ears are everywhere, it is said. His will is absolute, his word is gospel, he tolerates no failure, and his power tolerates no challenge. It is said to attempt to keep a secret from the Emperor is "beyond impossible". He was the mastermind behind the unification of the Human people at the end of the Great War, and has stood since as the strong hand that guides the unified people to a future ensured by the strength and security of the Empire.

Surrounding the Emperor are his four fearsome and faithful lieutenants - Lord Cavazerre, the Speaker of the Imperial Court; Lord Tavari, his Lord Privy Seal; Lord Eccari, the Minister President of the Imperial Government; and Lord Virini, the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military. Collectively, these men oversee the Empire and its affairs on behalf of their master the Emperor.

An elite cadre of powerful and deadly soldiers known as the Imperial Guard are charged with the Emperor's personal protection, and at least a dozen of them can be found within the Emperor's general vicinity at all times. Some question their necessity, as it is whispered that the Emperor is more than capable of protecting himself.

Judiciary[edit | edit source]

The judiciary of the Empire is the branch of government responsible for resolving legal disputes. It consists of a hierarchy of courts, with the Supreme Court at its apex. Imperial civil and criminal courts rely on panels of citizens known as juries. The Imperial Grand Jury hears testimony as part of criminal investigations, while the Imperial Special Jury tries war criminals. Alongside the civilian courts, the military has its own system of courts martial.

The consideration of special issues of great importance is the purview of the Ministers Court, which is a special tribunal of four senior ministers convened and chaired by the Minister President directly. Like the Supreme Court, its rulings are final and not permitted appeal, except by Imperial intervention.

Bureaucracy[edit | edit source]

The daily bureaucratic functions of the Imperial bureaucracy are overseen by the Imperial Government. This mixture of secretaries, coordinators, supervisors and clerks all serve collectively to manage those concerns according to the directives of the Emperor.

The collective gathering of the ministers who oversee the main branches of the Government is known known as the Council of Ministers. This body serves as the coordinating authority of the Government's daily works. The council and its members are overseen and led by the Minister President, who coordinates the entire bureaucracy on behalf of the Emperor.

Law[edit | edit source]

Civil & Criminal[edit | edit source]

The civil law of the Empire concerns civil wrongs, contractual issues, and the law of property, most specifically. Like criminal law, it is divided into substantive law and procedural law. The rights and duties of individuals among themselves is the primary focus and concern of civil law. Under Imperial civil law, civil proceedings are taken for the purposes of arbitration and compensation.

The criminal law of the Empire regulates social conduct and proscribes whatever is threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety, and moral welfare of the people. It includes the punishment of people who violate these laws. Criminal law varies according to the crimes committed and considers the circumstances involved, but differs from civil law, where emphasis is more on dispute resolution and victim compensation than on punishment.

Imperial law demands the burden of proof in civil and criminal proceedings be placed upon the accuser, or plaintiff. Liability, or guilt, must be proven through use of judicial proceedings. Likewise, anyone accusing another of criminal or civil wrongdoing must do so with the distinct understanding that they will be expected to face the accused and be duly questioned by them and their appointed legal counsel.

In all civil cases, the defendant is represented by a legal specialist known as an advocate. The plaintiff, or accuser, is represented by a prosecutor.

In highly sensitive cases, the Emperor may dispatch one of his elite investigators known as the Questers. These officials answer to the Emperor directly, and have full authority to investigate and act against any political or military official as required. The only individuals outside their authority are the members of the Ruling Council and anyone the Emperor specifically forbids for a given investigation.

Military[edit | edit source]

The Emperor, seeking to maintain a balance of law and order, authorized the creation of a system of military justice specially-tailored to the far larger and more powerful Empire in comparison to its predecessors. The Emperor's mandate establishes that he, on the advice of his Ministers, "shall make rules for the government and regulation of the ground and naval forces." The Emperor and his Council have since issued and sustained these laws as the Articles of War, which are occasionally modified or amended as required.

The Articles of War are considered a part of Imperial law, and implemented by the Manual for Courts-Martial, an executive order issued by the Galactic Emperor. Court-martial convictions in the Empire may be appealed through military courts of appeal to the Imperial Court of Military Appeals (ICMA), a State appellate court consisting of five civilian magistrates appointed by the Emperor. ICMA decisions are subject to direct review by the Supreme Court, or in issues related to officers at the highest levels, the Ministers Court.

In all military cases, the defendant is represented by a legal specialist known as an advocate. The plaintiff, or accuser, is represented by a prosecutor.

Defence[edit | edit source]

Defence is a top priority, and the Empire maintains three military arms - the Imperial Army, Imperial Navy and the Imperial Marines.

Imperial Army[edit | edit source]

Primary planetary defence and combat operations are the responsibility of the Army, which serves to garrison Imperial worlds and engage hostile forces whenever and wherever they appear on-planet.

Imperial Navy[edit | edit source]

During wartime, the Navy defends the star systems and starlanes of the Empire, and prosecutes military action against hostile naval forces. It will likewise, when deemed necessary to do so, act to neutralize the defences of enemy worlds in preparation for invasion and ground actions. During peacetime, the Navy likewise defends the systems and starlanes of the Empire, and also prosecutes action against piracy.

Imperial Marines[edit | edit source]

The Imperial Marines are a highly flexible and effective force. They are the elite troops of the Empire, with a reputation for rapid deployment and their capacity to bring considerable firepower to bear, and use of small numbers to great effect.

In wartime, Marines are first strike and elite assault forces, acting to soften up hostile fortifications in preparation for a far larger and heavier Army strike and seizure. In both peace and wartime, they serve as security aboard Imperial starships.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The Empire boasts the singularly largest and most diverse economy in Known Space. At present date, it constitutes 71% of galactic gross domestic product, and 61% of gross galactic product at purchasing power parity. It also encompasses 64% of galactic industrial capacity.

The economics of the Empire encompasses a wide variety of commercial and industrial capability. It is not uncommon that other star nations come to Imperial firms for larger scale industrial needs that they cannot find the capacity for elsewhere.

Membership[edit | edit source]

As of 1.1.3155, the Empire encompasses nearly six million naturally inhabitable star systems, and twice as many colony systems, spread out across nearly half the galaxy. It is the single largest star nation in galactic history.