Dominic Virini
Dominic Lord Virini is a Human who serves as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military within the Galactic Empire. In this capacity, he serves as the top military officer of the Empire and military adviser to his master, Emperor Tuscano.
Secretly, he is a Shadow Lord known as Set Bleda, and is one of the Emperor's four apprentice lords, forming part of the Ruling Council.
Basic[edit | edit source]
- homeworld - Imperia
- height - 1.879 m (6 ft, 2 in)
- weight - 93.63 kg (206 lb)
- hair color - black
- eye color - green
- weapon of choice - Beamsword (single-bladed, purple blade)
Biography[edit | edit source]
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Dominic Virini was born on New Geneva in the United Dominion on 5.9.10843. He was the sole biological child of the Varani lord Set Tyrell. His mother would die two years later giving birth to his younger brother, who also died. About a year and a half later, his father would kidnap two others about Dominic's age - Theodore Eccari and Hanseph Tavari - and together the three of them would serve his father as both students and agents of his own agenda for over a decade. Nothing is known about his mother, beyond the fact she died giving birth to his younger brother.
Virini's father died under "mysterious circumstances" in 10859, though they were only such to everyone else. Tyrell's three students knew that their master had died in combat. Tyrell had, in an effort to acquire several highly valuable Varani artifacts long thought lost, fallen afoul of another Varani lord named Set Dorva while attempting to recover the artifacts on Hileen, the Varani necropolis world. Dorva did not know of the three apprentices, who were still aboard Tyrell's starship which had been orbiting the far side of the planet when Dorva arrived and entered orbit. Deciding they were better off without him, the three left after only a short wait and a few half-hearted attempts at communication with Tyrell. Virini did not then and has not since displayed any regret or remorse for abandoning his father.
Set Dorva did not go completely free; a month after the founding of the Empire, an intelligence report identified the rogue Varani's main base of operations on a world on the rim of Imperial space. The Emperor dispatched Lord Virini, who tracked the Shadow Lord down, with orders to either bring him to heel or exterminate him. When he refused to bend the knee to Tuscano, the supreme commander killed him and slaughtered his followers. The base was then leveled by orbital bombardment.
Military Service[edit | edit source]
At age 16, Virini joined the Dominion Navy, ending up in line command. He became a full commander and led his own starship by the age of 26, and would be a commodore by the time the Great War began. During that conflict, he would command numerous operations against Commonwealth and Free Federation forces, and would be a full admiral by war's end.
Virini rose quickly in the ranks of the Dominion Navy, becoming a starship commander by age 26 and a commodore by 28. By the end of the Great War, he had commanded forces at the battle squadron and task force level against both the Commonwealth and the Free Federation. Under his command, pilots unaware of the biowarfare bomblets hidden in their ordnance bays would drop bombs loaded with Omega Black on the Commonwealth world of New Camden, causing the entire world to become infected within two standard weeks. Arriving to lay siege to the fortress world, he was "shocked" to discover the planet had fallen victim to an outbreak of the deadly pathogen. Following protocol, he bombarded the planet and laid waste to the entire surface, rendering it uninhabitable and desolate.
During his command years, Virini compiled a list of admirals for Tuscano that identified those who would and would not be supportive of a new imperial regime. Many of the most recalcitrant were sent on missions that, while victories for the Dominion, ended with their deaths. Several other were quietly killed or exterminated through indirect means.
Imperial Service[edit | edit source]
Being the next most senior military officer among his inner circle of Varani, the newly-crowned Emperor Tuscano appointed Virini as the Supreme Commander of the Imperial armed forces, and gave him wide latitude to expand the military to never before seen levels. He authorized the development and construction of entirely new classes of starships, starfighters, and combat vehicles that vastly increased the new Empire's military capabilities, and established a new aesthetic for Imperial military design. He has likewise been the architect of the militarization of the Empire and its populace to ensure a future of strength and order. And he does it all as the Emperor commands and wills.
Those who encounter and work with Lord Virini describe him as cold, quiet-spoken and unnervingly calm. His voice is likened to "the feel of flawless silk" and ever-even in its tone and inflection. While he demonstrates an effortless ability to intimidate his subordinates by his mere presence, he hears all counsel given him by his senior officers and calculates vast ranges of variables in any plan he undertakes.