Broken Banners
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Broken Banners is a high fantasy massively multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) developed by Atomic Lion Studios.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Plot[edit | edit source]
Characters[edit | edit source]
Setting[edit | edit source]
Basinford - Dawncrest - Portsgrave - Goldacre - Oxgate - Roseminster - Castleside - Millstone - Hazelbridge - Fairhold - Saltwatch - Ambercrest - Embershire - Rusthaven - Cloudrest - Yewdark - Stormsbury - Highspire - Eastwick - Rogueham - Grimwell
Aglar Heights[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Dacla Hills[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Drevanna[edit | edit source]
- settlements - Fairhold (capital), Ambercrest,
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Eslerene Plains[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Haimore[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Opria Valley[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Ostinaweth[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Qaldobyt[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Patral Mountains[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Ravaria[edit | edit source]
- settlements - Basinford (capital), Portsgrave, Roseminster
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Strole Mountains[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Tagrana Desert[edit | edit source]
- settlements - Saltwatch
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Valdaria[edit | edit source]
- settlements -
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Worlmarch[edit | edit source]
- settlements - Castleside,
- points of interest -
- natural features -
Gameplay[edit | edit source]
Classes[edit | edit source]
- Archer
- Cleric
- Rogue
- Warrior
- Wizard
Skills[edit | edit source]
- Attack
- Defence
- Stregth
- Hits
- Ranged
- Prayer
- Magic
- Cooking
- Woodcutting
- Fatigue
- Fletching
- Fishing
- Firemaking
- Crafting
- Smithing
- Mining
- Herbology
- Agility
- Thieving
- Quest Points
Equipment status[edit | edit source]
- Armour
- Weapon aim
- Weapon power
- Magic
- Prayer
Status conditions[edit | edit source]
- Burn
- Dead Short
- Mark
- Slow
- Confusion
- High Threat
- Poison
- Stun
- Blind
Abilities[edit | edit source]