Jordan Cavazerre

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Lord Cavazerre.

Jordan Lord Cavazerre is a Human who serves as the Speaker of the Imperial Court within the Galactic Empire. In this capacity, he serves as the majordomo of his master, Emperor Tuscano. As such, he controls the primary means of gaining audience with the Emperor and is the only way those who aren't part of the Ruling Council can ever seek to directly and privately address the Imperial presence.

Secretly, he is a Shadow Lord known as Set Roth, and is one of the Emperor's four apprentice lords, forming part of the Ruling Council.

Basic[edit | edit source]

  • homeworld - New Berlin
  • height - 1.854 m (6 ft, 1 in)
  • weight - 93.18 kg (205 lb)
  • hair color - brown
  • eye color - brown
  • weapon of choice - Beamsword (single-bladed, red blade)

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early Life[edit | edit source]

Jordan Cavazerre was born on New Berlin in the United Dominion on 2.1.10840. His parents - Michael and Angiavesta - were physicians in the DynaCare Medcenter in the planetary capital of Neue Sanssouci, where both served in the genetic medicine department. While on holiday on Caprica in 10844, baby Jordan was kidnapped from his parents suite in the hotel they were staying at. While police investigations cleared both parents of any involvement in the kidnapping, they were ruined socially and had to resign their posts at DynaCare. Michael Cavazerre committed suicide on what would have been his kidnapped son's birthday in 10845. His mother Angiavesta changed her name and disappeared into the Outer Rim Territories in 10847.

Young Jordan, however, was being raised and taught the Varani disciplines by Set Arnos, who was a supervisor of Dominion intelligence in the New Berlin Sector, and who had long had his eye on the young boy. His previous apprentice had proven incapable of handling the rigors of Varani training, and had flung himself from the cliffs of Grendel in 10840, forcing Arnos to seek another apprentice. He had sensed the strength of the Ambience flowing through young Jordan, and arranged his kidnapping accordingly.

Military Service[edit | edit source]

When Jordan turned 16, he went against his master's wishes to join the Dominion Army in 10856, and qualified as a siege engineer and infiltrator. His army service was short-lived, however, as in 10858, he lost his left leg when a faulty detonator caused its attached pack of detonite to detonate prematurely. He was fitted with a cybernetic replacement leg, but this meant he had to leave the special forces. Disappointed but unfazed, he accepted an invitation from the intelligence service to join their ranks, where he could apply his training in a similar fashion. He spent the next year earning his chops as an intelligence analyst, becoming a coordinator of analysis operators.

Cavazerre would discover later in 10860 that Arnos had arranged the "accident" that cost his apprentice his natural left leg, all to bring him back into intelligence work. Angered and embittered by his master's actions, Jordan nursed a long, silent grudge against Arnos that would quietly grow deeper and stronger as time passed.

Intelligence Service[edit | edit source]

When he first met Tuscano in 10861, Cavazerre was still in the service of Set Arnos. In meeting the future emperor, though, he saw an opportunity to finally break away from his long-time master. In 10864, he learned that his master, who had been a long-time leader within the Dominion intelligence community, had somehow learned of the general's elaborate plans to take control of Human civilization. He sought to insinuate himself into Tuscano's plans that he may usurp and take control of them. Cavazerre, however, had become fast and close friends with the general, and betrayed Arnos' scheme to Tuscano in a demonstration of his true loyalty. The future Speaker learned that Tuscano had long been aware of the intelligence officer's intentions, though, but the general likewise took note of Cavazerre's good faith act. Arnos was strung along by Tuscano for nearly a year, leading the man to believe that his efforts were working, only to expose his treachery and give Cavazerre the opportunity to slay him. Cavazerre had no qualms about this, killing Arnos in cold blood and pledging himself wholeheartedly to Tuscano's service. He has remained a close friend and ally of the general turned emperor ever since.

Imperial Service[edit | edit source]

As the Speaker of the Imperial Court, Cavazerre simultaneously symbolizes that which every ambitious Imperial bureaucrat and functionary both loathes and desires - to anyone who is not part of the Emperor's inner circle, he is the sole pathway lesser officials and officers can seek audience with the Emperor. They cannot gain access to the Imperial presence without his blessing, but he makes gaining this blessing deliberately difficult as a means of both warding off the less worthy and also to make those who would have a few minutes of his master's time prove they are worth the effort.

After the rise of the Empire, Lord Cavazerre tracked his mother down, with the Emperor's blessing, and killed her as a way of ensuring his past remained dead. Before he struck her down, he made sure she knew who he was, and when she asked him why he wanted her dead, he replied simply, "Because a Shadow shuns his past. Clinging to it makes him weak." When she attempted to reason with him, insisting he couldn't kill her as she was his mother, he coldly told her, "You are nothing to me."

Lord Cavazerre intentionally has little to do with lesser members of the Court, and is a quiet and intimidating presence. Courtesans who encounter him during a session of the Court commonly will mention afterward that they suddenly felt very cold in his presence. They don't dare mention this to him, though.